Setting up your machine for data science in Python

Here's the short version of the commands without much explanation:

  1. Download Miniconda for Windows or for Mac OSX.
  2. Install by either:

    • Windows: Double click Miniconda2-latest-Windows-x86_64.exe and follow the instructions
    • Mac OSX: open the terminal and run bash
  3. Download the environment file for Windows or for OSX.

  4. Create the environment with by either:

    • Windows: Open the command prompt and run conda env create -f
    • Mac OSX: Open the terminal and run conda env create -f environment.osx.yml
  5. Activate the tutorial by either:

    • Windows: Run activate tutorial
    • Mac OSX: Run source activate tutorial

Test things work

  1. Run Jupyter notebook by typing the following command jupyter notebook .
  2. Open a Jupyter notebook file (.ipynb). If you don't have one, you can download this fun Jupyter notebook.

Leave the tutorial environment

  1. To stop Jupyter notebook hit Ctrl+c when you have the terminal open.
    1. To leave the tutorial environment at the command line and go back to your normal environment:
    2. Windows: deactivate tutorial
    3. Mac OSX: source deactivate tutorial